Products Quality

We strongly concern to provide total hygienic and best quality tea leaf at an internationally recognized standard. For this, Patent Tea Co. Pvt. Ltd. is affiliated with FOOD RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS CENTRE (FICCI) of India. This is a national body formed by government to maintain the standard of food and beverage in India. We are members of the Tea board of Kolkata where the auction of Assam tea takes place. Our associates grow tea exclusively for us in order to meet our demand as well as buyer's specific requirements.


The Management of our Company is committed to its food safety policies and ensures that all resources required to provide safe food to its valued customers are made available. Devotion to nurture and develop the brand by providing consistently good quality tea to the consumers and excellent service to the customers, high level of commitment and an attitude to grow have been the prime forces behind our success.

The Quality Group's activities are not only restricted to Tea Tasting and Blending but also extend to the areas of Quality compliance in the field of Packaging Materials. The newly commissioned production & packaging unit has state-of-the-art machines for various packaging and pre-packaging procedures. Modern technology used in the packaging process ensures minimum human touch of the packaged tea. The factory unit includes properly ventilated and weather proof storage systems to suit the needs of tea. It's a well known fact that the quality of tea depends on the garden from where and the season in which it has been procured. With high storage capacity we’ve the coveted advantage of procuring the best of the tea in the most suitable seasons, and store them to offer our valued customers, tea of consistent quality through out the year.